4 Non Boring Popcorn Recipes!

  I love popcorn! I often pop my own and also get boxes of it on sale, plus my mother in law sometimes brings me bags from her work. After while you get sick of the same old buttered satly popcorn! I spend an hour in the kitchen today crafting up some great popcorn recipes …

Bomber & Company

  Bomber & Company was founded on Kickstarter and is a small company out of San Francisco. The had major success with their previous campaign for the Bomber Barrel and recently launched a campaign for their fire starter survival bracelet. Their products include paracord, you might ask what is paracord. Paracord was originally used as suspension …

Twisted Shotz Review and Giveaway

  Sometimes its fun to drink with friends but it seems like ALL my friends like something different, we can NEVER decided on what to drink. I came across Twisted Shotz and they REALLY make partying with friends fun and exciting. Twisted Shotz are 2 great flavors of liquor in one shot! They are made …

Cannonball Collective Review

  Cannonball Collective is a quarterly subscription box that delivers an experience to your door step. Each box has a unique theme and the last week of every quarter you will receive an email letting you know what the next theme is. This quarter’s theme was called Torn and Frayed. The box arrived in a nice …

Sperm Check Review

  Did you know that a CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility …