SheetSuspenders Review

  I toss and turn mostly the WHOLE night. It drives my husband crazy for a few reasons but mostly because ever single morning when we woke up the sheet would LITERALLY be on the floor. I decided to do some research on methods to keeping sheets on the bed and I came across Sheet …

Dapper Box Review

    I think we all know, men can sometimes be REALLY difficult to shop for. Dapper Box makes finding accessories for that special guy in your life REALLY easy and convenient. Dapper Box  delivers 4-5 mens accessories worth up to $96 right to your doorstep every month. Your first box ships immediately and subsequent boxes will ship …

My Visit To Circus Smirkus

Last week you might of recalled me posting about Circus Smirkus and giving away tickets to a fan(Congrats again Denise Fletcher Spaulding). Well yesterday my Mother and I attended their show in Hanover, NH and we had a blast! Circus Smirkus  is Vermont’s very own award-winning international youth circus. Since 1987 they have promoted the skills, culture …

Organo Gold Organic Green Tea Review

  I recently decided to give up coffee for the most part(I still drink 1-2 cups a week of organic local coffee) in exchance for tea. I was recently sent a box of Organic Green Tea from Organo Gold. Organo Gold began when CEO and Founder Bernardo Chua decided to bring attention to the ancient Chinese …

PUR Mints-Aspartame Free Mints!

You might remember that last year I reviewed a gum brand called Pur, well they have expanded to selling mints as well! Much like the gum, they are all about providing the public with Aspartame free products that taste good and are not loaded with chemicals.  Much like the gums, the mints are sweetened with Xylitol …

2015 Circus Smirkus Tour Information and Giveaway!

Years ago I went and saw Circus Smirkus in Hanover NH. I had a BLAST and am super excited to be working with them this year! Circus Smirkus  is Vermont’s very own award-winning international youth circus. Since 1987 they have promoted the skills, culture and traditions of the traveling circus, inspiring youth to engage in life-changing …