Homemade Coffee Concentrate with Amora Coffee

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. Homemade Coffee Concentrate with Amora Coffee It’s the time of year when I love cold brew coffee, but now that I am a new mom, I’ve been trying to be a little more budget conscious and decided …

Wine Insiders

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. Both my Mother In Law and I enjoy drinking wine, what we don’t enjoy though is how frustrating it is sometimes to find a good wine that won’t break the bank. That is exactly why Wine Insiders …

My Birth Story: Thomas Bjorn

I knew I wanted to share my birth story and I have finally found the time to put it into words. We are almost 4 weeks postpartum and I am LOVING Motherhood. My labor and delivery were actually pretty uneventful and fast but I wanted to share my story because my birth plan completely went …

Nothin’ to Hide Rawhide Alternative

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. I am always on the hunt for treats and goodies for Loki. His health is a top priority for me and I recently discovered Fieldcrest Farms by Ethical Products Inc. Ethical Products Inc is the partner company …

Oh Baby Boxes Subscription Box

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. I am so excited to team up with Oh Baby Boxes, especially since they reached out to me right before Thomas made his entry into the world. Oh Baby Boxes is a monthly subscription box for expecting …

2021 Father’s Day Gift Guide

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site.   Our son arrived just about a month before Father’s Day! I am so excited to be partnering up with some of our sponsors and I want to thank them all for their collaboration! ‘I am a great …

The Scottish Grocer

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. I was first introduced to imported Scottish Food at a very small Scottish Shop that was roughly 35 minutes from where I live. They were responsible for putting on an annual Scottish Festival. Sadly they closed a …