Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.
I am so excited because my seven year anniversary is just a few weeks away! I can’t believe seven years have gone SO fast! Recently we moved into a beautiful 1700 square foot apartment, so I’ve been on the hunt for things to hang on the wall, I did a google search for anniversary gifts and came across Canvas Vows!
Canvas Vows sells beautiful personalized artwork that makes the perfect gifts! Their products include Photo Word Art Canvases that are perfect to display your wedding pictures plus your vows; you can also display just your vows with the Word Art Canvases. They also sell Sound Wave Canvases, Sheet Music on Canvas, Love Quotes on Canvas and Home Decor Canvases.
I placed an order today for one of their Photo Word Art Canvases with one of our engagement pictures and our favorite song.

I can NOT wait for it to arrive and when it does I will be sure to post a picture here of it!
Canvases at Canvas Vows range in prices from $75-$325 and there are a large array of sizes to choose from.
Be sure to check back to read my review when my Canvas arrives!