Wings Made Tasty With Moore’s Marinades

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Moore’s Marinades recently sent me a bottle of their Original Buffalo Wings Sauce to check out, I LOVE wings but I also like combining Buffalo flavor with other foods such as burgers, potato salad and more so I …

Make Your Bird Friends Happy With You Do It Suet

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. I love bird watching and before I moved was super jealous my mother was able to attract birds so easily to her yard, I tried feeders, suet and more at my old apartment but I could just …

Enter To Win A Copy of Expecting Sunshine: A Journey of Grief, Healing, and Pregnancy after Loss by Alexis Marie Chute

Losing a baby is an unimaginable heartache affecting one out of five expecting parents. In the new, deeply moving and vulnerable memoir, Expecting Sunshine: A Journey of Grief, Healing and Pregnancy After Loss [April 2017, She Writes Press], award-winning author, artist, filmmaker, and public speaker Alexis Marie Chute opens her heart about her own loss …