Category «Reviews»

Nid’s Soap Adventure Review

SO excited to work with my first Etsy Seller! Nid’s Soap Adventure  is an Etsy shop that sells home made soaps. The owner is Nidya from Largo, FL and all of the soaps are made by her, She currently has over 5 different soaps to choose from on her shop and as of October 1st will be taking …

Glamulet Breast Cancer Pink October 2015

We lost my grandmother many years ago to breast cancer, in fact breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in women and every 45 minutes a woman loses her badly to this awful disease. Gamulet currently has Pink Limited Edition Charms which are designed to raise awareness and help find a cure. For every …

Blue Apron Review

Blue Apron  delivers fresh foods directly to your door that allows you to create the perfect meal. You will receive everything in perfect portions and ready to cook. You will also receive detail recipe cards with pictures on how to prepare the food. They offer two different meal plans currently, the first is 2 person plan which …

AcuRite Review and Giveaway

My husband is a hunter and I’ve been looking for some sort of meter over the last few months that lists barometric pressure AcuRite delivered! AcuRite is owned Chaney Instrument Co., a leading manufacturer of precision time, temperature and weather products since 1943.  AcuRite offers a huge range of weather station models to choose from …

Savannah Bee Company Review

I am a HUGE Honey fan, I often find my self replacing sweeteners with honey and sometimes I eat a spoonful of honey right out of the jar because its yummy and some people like to argue that it has health benefits. Savannah Bee Company was founded by  bee keeper Ted Dennard. In 1999 Ted started  …

Sepo Sauce Review

Sepo Sauce  was created when founder Sharla discovered she suffered from 20 plus food allergies. Sharla was determined to create something that tasted great but was something she could eat despite being allergic to so many foods. Thus Sepo Sauce was born! Sepo Sauce is a great combination of  garlicky goodness and works great as a dressing, …

Rabbit TV Plus Review

I haven’t had cable for over two years and recently began searching for ways to enjoy my favorite shows without going back to expensive cable(I was paying over $100 a month for it in my area) I have an account with a popular streaming company but have heard the name Rabbit TV a few times …

Dew Puff Review

Over the last few years I have noticed a chance in my facial skin which has caused me to focus on taking care of my face more. I recently heard about Dew Puff and was super excited to try out their products. Dew Puff are made from  100% Konjac root which is a plant native to …

The Tiki Box Review

The Tiki Box is a monthly subscription box of an assortment of Hawaiian snacks and treats reflecting Hawaii’s diverse cultures. The Tiki Box is $15 a month and can be purchased in monthly, 6 month and 12 month subscriptions. While not all the treats you receive in your Tiki Box are made in Hawaii, they …