Category «Reviews»

Heat Holders Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Living in Vermont, it gets super cold. I am always looking for warm socks to keep my feet warm when its in the negatives. I was so happy with I came across Heat Holders on Google. Heat …

Nibblr Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Nibblr  is a monthly box that contains sweet, salty, fruity, and nutty snacks. Each box contains  four portion-controlled, crave-worthy snacks in  individually sealed trays. You can get Nibblr delivered to your house or office every week, every other week …

Two Neanderthals Smokin’ BBQ Review

I recently made a stop at  Two Neanderthals Smokin’ BBQ in Springfield, VT. I am a HUGE BBQ Fan(its actually my favorite cuisine) and have been left very disappointed in the past in the area with the lack of good BBQ. When I caught wind that a BBQ place was opening up right in Springfield(which is …

EcoSox Bamboo Socks Review:

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. I suffer from a lot of feet problems so my feet pretty much constantly hurt, so I am always on the hurt for comfortable socks! EcoSox  is a brand of bamboo socks that includes non binding tops which allows …

Pearl Valley Cheese Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Pearl Valley Cheese  is located in Coshocton County, Ohio, just south of Ohio’s Amish Country and is a manufacturer of award winning cheese. It is a family owned business and they are known for their swiss cheese that …

Picture Keeper Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   I am massively shutter happy, I take so many pictures, its so bad I have WELL over 50,000 pictures between my computer and multiply flash drives. In the past my computer has crashed and of course …

At the Crossroad By Olfet Agrama Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Released on October 21, 2014, At the Crossroad is a fiction book that takes place in the steamy, smoldering Middle East during the 1950s and 1960s and follows four main characters: a dashing medical student filled with …