Category «Reviews»

Enjoy Japanese Candy with TokyoTreat

Japanese candy and treats are some of my favorite so I was really excited to recently team up with Tokyo Treat.  Tokyo Treat is a monthly subscription box that focuses around providing you with the very best in Japanese snacks and candies, you will receive sweet, savory and sometimes even limited edition snacks to try. Since …


AHHHHHHHHHH!!! The trailer for Finding Dory is finally here!  Ellen DeGeneres is back as Dory as she searches for answers about her past with her friends Nemo and Marlin in tow.  Finding Dory swims into theaters June 17, 2016 and I can NOT wait!  Like FINDING DORY on Facebook:   Follow FINDING DORY on Twitter:   …

Thor’s Fyrstekake with GeekDients.

I was SO excited to team up with GeekDients! GeekDients is a website that provides you every month with a themed story based fantasy food kit, your kit contains all the dry ingredients that are needed to make that months themed food item. Past months include Elven Bread, Dracula’s Blood Chocolate Baked Fudge, Cupid’s Broken Heart …

My Final Thoughts on Personal Trainer Food

I am nearing the very end of my journey with Personal Trainer Food and I gotta admit I am a little sad that it’s ending. If you have not read my other posts please check them out. Post #1 , Post #2, and Post #3. If you are just tuning in, over the last three weeks …