Cleaning Up Puppy Mess

Having a puppy to look after is something many people want but it isn’t as easy at it may look. Puppies leave messes, unpleasant smells, hairs and stains which should be cleaned regularly and as the accidents happen. In this article, you will learn how to deal with puppy messes the proper way and how to prevent your home from getting stained and smelly. The tips and principles mentioned here will help you look after your puppy better and become more responsible.

First, you should remember that the faster you remove and clean the stains and dirt the better. Stains won’t set or become permanent. Dogs even from an early age have the instinct to cover their messes after accidents. They have much stronger senses than ours and can still sense the smell of the accidents which they have made. Puppies will try to mask the smell of their accidents if they sense any smell. Be sure to clean the pee, stains and accident well and effectively to avoid this. You should clean as well as deodorize the bad smell.

When using cleaning products buy such which are non-toxic and organic, specially designated for pets. Read the label well and choose the most appropriate which shouldn’t contain any chemicals. They are safe for pets and will neutralize the odor after cleaning the mess. You can make your own cleaning solutions which will be completely safe for your puppy and effective too. Use baking soda, club soda, and white vinegar to prepare such. Be sure to remove the stain the proper way using effective and designated for the purpose detergents.

Urine stains you should remove very carefully making sure they are completely eliminated. Pets can smell them even if you can’t and try to mask them which they do by instinct. Soak the urine using a white or paper towel blotting it. Don’t rub which can damage the carpet. Blot starting from the surrounding area moving in an inward direction. Then rinse the urine ring with  water to dilute it. Repeat the blotting with towels. If you prefer you can rinse again with club soda and then blot which is very effective.

Use towels to absorb the liquid which has remained. Sit on the area or put heavy items like books on it. It may take around 6 hours to dry completely. If you want to fasten the process use dry or wet vacuum cleaner. Don’t let the upholstery, rug or carpet stay dump which will lead to mildew and crumbling of the fabric. Now you can apply neutralizer or cleaner designated for pets. Use such products which contain safe bacteria or non-toxic enzymes which digest pet messes. FastCarpetCleaning Hampstead advises to try another detergent if the ones you have applied don’t remove the stain.

When cleaning pet messes from urine don’t use ammonia because it smells the same way as urine to pets and they will try to mask it. You can apply this cleaning and deodorizing method for urine removal: sprinkle baking soda on the area of the accident till it covers it. Let the soda stay for 2 or more hours and then vacuum the place. If it is needed repeat the steps above. When cleaning puppy messes be sure to remove them from the surrounding areas too.

You can remove pet odors using baking soda and water. Use this solution to soak the area you want to neutralize from odor. Let it stay for several minutes and blot using paper towels. Allow the place to air dry well.

With these effective tactics for removal pet accidents, you can save your carpets and upholstery from getting stinky, stained and damaged. Apply them and check the results. Your home will be in better condition.


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