
I fell really hard tonight in my kitchen, to the point where it took me a few minutes to get up. I bruised both my knees really bad and my arm. A few days ago I had a really bad fall in my driveway, I sprained my ankle, scraped my arm up really bad and hit my head on the ground which lead to an ER trip. I am feeling  defeated. I don’t know what else to do. I’m already in Physical Therapy Twice a Week, I do strength exercises every single night, have resulted to wearing shoes in the house which I hate, wearing special orthopedics, dieting and exercising to lose weight among so many other things and the falls seem to be happening more frequent. I’m so worried one of these days I’m seriously going to hurt my self in a fall. The fall outside was scary enough having to get rushed to the ER for a cat scan.

I’m 23 years old and I just feel so defeated, Its so depressing to feel you life keeps just kicking you down, like your body is betraying you. I’m going to get some bloodwork done in a few days regarding my hormones and have my bone density checked, maybe this will lead to some promosing results. I just hate falling so much at 23 with NO reason why. I have had 87 blood work tests done since March, all came back normal. My MRI showed a small piece of bone(the size of a pencil tip) in my right leg that the doctor said shouldnt cause problems.

I guess now…I wait.

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