Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.  



Recently I teamed up with Tropical Traditions to review their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.

Tropical Traditions all started when the owners moved to Philippines, they renovated an old family farmhouse and started producing coconut oil using a traditional family method. In 2000 they decided to start selling the coconut oil online and the demand grew!

 Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is a truly unrefined coconut oil. This coconut oil is made on Mt. Banahaw and surrounding areas from organic coconuts. Coconuts are used fresh (within 24-48 hours of harvest) from small family farms on Mt. Banahaw and other rural places in Quezon Province, the coconut capital of the Philippines. Only the highest quality coconuts are hand-picked from each harvest. The volcanic soil of Mt. Banahaw makes these organic coconuts some of the most nutritionally rich coconuts in the world! Testing done in independent laboratories on coconut oil antioxidants reveals higher levels of phenolic antioxidants than other coconut oils. The fresh coconut meat is shredded and then the water from inside the coconuts to is added to make coconut milk (wet-milled). The coconut milk is then allowed to sit for about half a day, while the oil naturally separates from the heavier water. The oil is then heated for a short time and filtered from the curds (coconut solids). No chemicals or high-heat (e.g. steam deodorization) treatment is used, and this oil contains no trans fatty acids. We do NOT mass produce this oil. It is made by families who are coconut farmers using old-fashioned traditional methods that have been used in the Philippines for hundreds of years. Our coconut trees and family producers are certified organic according to strict USDA standards. The families who produce the oil are also trained according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and re-certified each year. This high-grade Virgin Coconut Oil has a long shelf life due to the high antioxidant properties. The Gold Label Standard is their highest standard for Virgin Coconut Oil.

There are hundreds if not thousand of uses for coconut oil.

You can use it cooking, baking, frying and so much more! I personally use it to season my cast iron baking dish, it makes for WONDERFUL tasting cakes and brownies!

Tropical Traditions sells different sizes of coconut oil as well as other products, their oil comes in 1 pint jars, 32 oz jars, 1 gallon pails and 5 gallon pails.

I was sent a 32 fl Oz jar to review and I love what I experienced!



 I have had other coconut oils  in the past and I found the taste to be almost artificial, Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil tastes So natural! It has a creamy texture with a wonderful coconut aroma. I found many uses for it such as seasoning my cast iron pans, it makes a wonderful tasteful crust on brownies and cakes. I honestly feel this is the best coconut oil on the market! The fact that they use organic coconuts really makes this product important to me. Everything that goes into making this oil shows the business owners really care about their product and their customers. Their website is loaded with helpful information, I highly suggest spending the time because I learned a lot.

The FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, to read more about the health benefits please visit this website. 

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 “Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.”

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