Isle Box Review



Over the last few years, I’ve explored emergency preparation. It all stemmed from a few years ago when we had a REALLY bad storm and were stranded in our home for over 3 days with no power. I also saw my home state be destroyed by Hurricane Irene and Sandy and it was devastating to watch. During my time I volunteered to help try and rebuild our community I saw that many families were just not prepared and it broke my heart. My mother ran a goods drive and it felt great to supply the many people, some whom lost everything have clean water,food to eat and other comforts. From that day on I SWORE I would be as prepared as I could in case anything like this ever happened again. So I slowly start building a Bug Out Bag and started exploring the different companies that offer survival gear.


Isle Box  is a subscription box aimed at people who love the outdoors. They offer boxes loaded with gear for those folks, their items can ALSO be perfect for a Bug Out Bag!

You can expect to receive items like a small pocket lantern to a straw that can filter contaminated water. you can also expect to find food, tools, clothing, maps, water bottles, and more in your Isle Box. The box is put together by seasoned outdoorsy veterans who research all the products to insure you are getting the very best.

You can get a monthly subscription for $44.99 a month or $124.99 every three months for a box with more.

I received a box in return for my review


The box I received contained A Buff Brand Head Scarf, A Sawyer Inline Water Filter, A bag of Good Life Granola, Tenacious Tape and a bottle of Purinzine Water Purifier Solution.

The Head Scraf is designed to keep the sun off your head and the mosquitoes away. It can be worn over 15 ways including as a hood, do-rag and more!

The Sawyer Water Filter is a GREAT tool! It comes with a Sawyer MINI Water Filter with Tip Cap,a 16 oz Reusable Squeeze Pouch,a 7″ Drinking Straw and a Cleaning Plunger (Syringe). It weighs weighs 2 ounces and filters up to 100,000 gallons. It also Attaches to included drinking pouch, standard disposable bottles (28 mm thread), hydration packs, or use the straw to drink directly from your water source. Seriously a GREAT tool!

The Granola is a company based out of Grand Rapids, MI and in my opinion no hiking trip would be complete without some sort of granola!

Tenacious Tape is perfect for repairing clothing or repairing any of your gear! It can be used on jackets, sleeping bags, tents, rafts and more! Its often credited to being much better then duct tape.

Purinzine Water Purifier Solution is a solution eco friendly and will turn practically any freshwater source into safe drinking water without the taste of harsh chemicals. URINIZE is easy to use and effective against a broad range of contaminants including bacteria, viruses, protozoan cysts, chemicals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and more. It also does not expire if stored properly!


I was VERY VERY Impressed with the items I received and a rough estimation of the kit would be around $73 which is a very good value. I have added all the items to my bug out bag and think they are a great addition!

I HIGHLY recommend Isle Box




Use coupon code ‘new2isle’ to get 25% off your first box

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