Above I listed a Local Honey Company and a “Store Brand*” Honey
After recently discovering a store near me called Claremont Spice and Dry Goods, which sells local and very affordable spices,coffee, honey and much more! I have switched over to local honey after buying a 1 lb jar for $6.50 verses paying $5.25 for the store brand and tasting the difference between them!! Many people often say that local products are more expensive to buy, but I think in this situation I really saved! Make sure to always check your local spice good stores, co ops and farmers market!! You never know when you will find a good deal!!
*Store Brand has been removed to protect store, I have no proof that, the brand in the picture actually sells Nectar or Pure Honey, Here are a few good places to read up on the data collected on Store brand Honey
grocery store honey not actually honey
Tests Show most store brands are not real (There is a list provided of some companies that dont sell real honey)
I think this is very important knowledge to know! Many people buy store brand honey for alternative medicine and they need to know that the honey they are buying in the store, if it doesnt contain pollen, its strictly nectar and that it will not work!!
Ok, I use honey every day. It’s not for any health benefit, it’s just to spice up my waffles with peanut butter breakfast. The honey makes it taste like it’s a sweet treat instead of just a waffle and peanut butter!
I have seen lots of info on TV, etc. about the fact that many honey products aren’t really honey. Pays to check… and I agree local and store do taste different. Also depends on where the bees get the pollen (clover, orange trees, etc)