Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Loki and Fuzzy Bear were recently sent some goodies from Evanger’s to try out. Evanger’s start in 1935 when Fred Evanger thought his champion Great Danes deserved the very best, He began making canned pure meat canned food for …

June Inspired Room Box

A few weeks ago I received some SUPER exciting news, I won a YEAR of Inspired Room Box which was super exciting because the decor in my house is in need of SERIOUS upgrading! I will be reviewing each box I receive for the next year so be on the look out! Inspired Room Box  was …

Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer’s Llamas

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. I recently received a complimentary copy of  Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer’s Llamas. Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer’s Llamas is an ADORABLE movie that was released in June. My husband and I personally found this movie hilarious …

My Favorite Cookware is Copper Chef Cookware

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   As someone who loves being in the kitchen, I know the importance of quality good cookware. I have SO many pots and pans, many of them I hate using because they don’t cook well and they are …

Gourmet Spices from The Spice Lab

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. I am a foodie who absolutely LOVES being in the kitchen! I love flavor and even have a whole cabinet dedicated just to spices. I LOVE trying new spices and one of my favorites is flavored salts. …