7 Ways to Incorporate Self-Care in Your Daily Routine

This post is sponsored and in collaboration with Alycia Coloma.

Finding ways to make your daily routine better can be challenging, especially when you’re so accustomed to doing things a certain way. However, there’s always room for improvement. From including more fruits and veggies in your diet to focusing on being a more positive person, there are many small steps to take your self-care to the next level. That said, continue reading for a few simple ways to incorporate self-care in your daily routine.

1. Spend time outside

Spending time outside is especially important if you work indoors all day. Life can seem a little bleak when you’re trapped under fluorescent lights or a cubicle far away from any windows. Not only will going outside help your skin soak up some much-needed sun, but it’ll also provide several other benefits, such as:

Before heading out, remember to put on sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

2. Meditate

Find time to meditate daily to reduce your stress and relax. It’s a great coping technique for when you’re feeling overwhelmed about work, school, and relationships. Plus, you can easily do this anywhere. If you’re having trouble meditating and quieting your thoughts, consider using medical marijuana to help you mellow out. Fortunately, dispensaries can be found in many different states, from a  to a dispensary in California.

3. Read for 15 minutes

Reading expands your knowledge, so it’s essential for your own personal growth. While not many people have the time to read a whole book in a day, you can surely find 15 minutes to read something, whether it’s an article or a chapter of a novel. If you’re having trouble focusing or can’t find a quiet place to sit down, try and an
This way, you can read wherever you go.

4. Exercise every day

Exercising every day is crucial for living a healthy lifestyle. However, this doesn’t mean you have to partake in vigorous exercise daily. Instead, you can go on a walk with your dog, do yoga in the mornings, or simply stretch for 30 minutes before going to bed. There are several videos and resources online to help you develop an active lifestyle where you spend less time sitting down.

5. No-phone time

Set aside sometime during your day to unplug your electronics and turn off any mobile devices. This will limit how much time you can spend using technology each day and allow you to decompress from social media, constant work emails, and dishartening news from around the world. You’ll also be able to give your eyes a much-needed screen break since screens can negatively affect your eyesight.

6. Eat healthy food

Eating healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, will give your body the fuel it needs to stay
energized and focused on a day-to-day basis. If you’re craving junk food, just make sure you’re not
consuming it every day and limit yourself to one portion. You can also opt for healthier alternatives, like
veggie chips, lettuce-wrapped burgers, oven-baked fries, and almond flour cookies. After all, when you
take care of your body, it’ll also take care of you.

7. Be kind to yourself

With so much negativity in the world, it’s easy to look down on yourself. Remember to always be kind to
your body and mind. You’re trying your best to become a better person, which is something that should
be applauded. If you ever find that you’re being negative toward yourself, go ahead and distract
yourself with something you love.

Final thoughts

Don’t feel pressured to follow every single tip on this list. Instead, use this guide as a reference point to
develop a happier and healthier you. You can take your favorite pieces of advice and implement them into your
life however you see fit. There are restrictions to self-care.


About Alycia C.

Alycia is blessed with four beautiful girls and enjoys DIY crafting with them in her free time. After receiving a Master’s in education from the University of Colorado, Alycia pursued a career as an educational consultant in order to help students and their parents plan for a better future. She’s a staunch advocate of continuing education and believes that an insatiable hunger for knowledge is the key to better finances, a warm family, and an overall fulfilling life. Alycia finds it important to write about what she’s learned and express her opinions before a larger audience online. She leads by example, and teaches her readers that despite juggling four kids and a full time job as a single mom, it is possible to go back to school and achieve success. She enjoys finding new ways to work around tight budgets and offering tips for how to readjust and settle in a new situation—whether it’s collegiate life or a recent divorcée status. Her platform shares her wealth of information with the hope of empowering parents and students everywhere.

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