Category «Food and Drinks»

E.V.O.O From Wish-Bone

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. Wish-Bone has ALWAYS been my go to brand…My husband actually won’t eat any other brand and I always have their ranch stocked. I was really excited with their announcement of the release of E.V.O.O and I was …

Gourmet Spices from The Spice Lab

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review. I am a foodie who absolutely LOVES being in the kitchen! I love flavor and even have a whole cabinet dedicated just to spices. I LOVE trying new spices and one of my favorites is flavored salts. …

Hydrating Alkaline Water from Alkaline88

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   Because I suffer from chronic pain my doctor suggested that I increase my water intake. I recently had a chance to taste test Alkaline88 water and was really impressed! Alkaline88 is based out of  Scottsdale Arizona …

Dry Cured Meats from The Charcuterie Shack

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   The Charcuterie Shack sources the finest southern European dry cured meats, such as Prosciutto, Serrano Ham, Chorizo and Italian Salami. They combine the products into unique sets and the sets are built seasonally which means they sell …