Category «Reviews»

Zim’s Review

Zim’s started over 60 years ago  creation of Zim’s Crack Creme® by a pharmacist in Austintown, Ohio. Today they offer over 25 products ranging from lotions and creams to pain relief gels and diabetic care items. If you have been following me for awhile you might have read that I suffer from Chronic Pain. Some days my legs …

Delightibles Cat Treats Review

  Delightibles is a cat treat brand that is made in the United States, They are made with wholesome ingredients that cats LOVE!  They are available in the following flavors: Turkey, Beef, Salmon, Chicken, Dairy,Tuna,Chicken and Salmon,Chicken and Turkey, Chicken and Tuna and Wild Country Chicken. Each treat has a crispy outside shell and a soft …

Purrk by Vitakraft Cat Toys!

    Vitakraft has been around since 1837 and all started in the village of Heiligenrode, near Bremen, Germany. It later grew to become one of the first major pet food manufacturers in Germany. Over 175 years later they are operating successfully in Europe, North and South America and Asia. They sell Bird, Small Animal, Cat,Dog …

Tanbi Music 60 Guitar Picks and Metronome Tuner Review

  Tanbi Music  launched in 2014 and the first product launched by Tanbi Music was their MT560GB metronome tuner. They have since launched a line of guitar picks as well. I was recently sent their  MT560GB metronome tuner and 60 guitar picks for my husband to review.  The MT560GB metronome tuner is easy to use and dependable. …

FramedArt.Com Review

I consider my self an Amature Photographer, I actually really love taking pictures because it’s a stress reliever to me. I have a few pictures that I am SUPER proud of and wanted to get printed to hang in my house. I started doing some google searchers and came across Framed Art. Framed Art  understands that …

Pooch Party Packs Review

    My pets are my babies and trust me they are SPOILED! Every pet should be spoiled in my opinion and that’s where Pooch Party Packs come in! Pooch Party Packs  is a monthly subscription box of goodies for dogs! You will receive at least 4 high quality pet products selected by experts to pamper …

SushiQuik Review

I LOVE Sushi!! I actually eat out at the local Sushi Bar often because I have tried to make Sushi at home but failed SO miserably! I recently came across SushiQuik and was so excited at the idea that I could make Sushi at home. SushiQuik is a system that makes Sushi making convenient and easy. …

My National Mom’s Nite Out Party

  I was SO excited!! My mothers birthday is on May 7th and this year I was chosen as a host for the 2015 National Mom’s Nite Out! I had a blast planning my party and here are some of the really exciting things we did! I received an awesome kit LOADED with tons of goodies …

Cherry JORD Watch Review

I have been searching for a watch for my self for a few months now, but I am SUPER picky! I have looked at numerous ones in the store and couldn’t find one I liked. I came across Jord online and fell in LOVE with their wood watches. Jord  is Swedish and means “earth, soil, land”. …

Cookie Chips Review and Giveaway

The best of both worlds! Its a cookie AND a chip! Sometimes you want something sweet but maybe you want something like a chip! Why not have both! HannahMax Baking has been making goodies for over 25 years. Cookie Chips all started when Founder, Executive Pastry Chef, CEO and mother of three, Joanne Adirim began making Cookie …