Category «Reviews»

5 Tips for Preparing Your Skin For Fall

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received an editorial fee for posting this article. As the weather changes, you’ll find that your skin will start to feel differently as well. Depending on your skin type, you may get excess oil during the summer months or your face may dry out when the weather starts to cool down …

Summer Recap

 Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site.   Summer Recap This summer has been so exciting! It was pretty eventful with the birth of Thomas. We also had some downs with the death of our cat Trina. Even though it had ups and down’s it …

Nurture Diapers

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site.  I originally came across Nurture Diapers as a Facebook ad and was instantly curious. Nurture Diapers are made without the use of perfumes, chlorine, latex, lotions and feature no designs or dyes. They are produced at a …

Yaheetech Dog Swimming Pool Review

Dog Swimming Pool from Yaheetech Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. Last October, we moved to a beautiful location in a more rural setting. Our previous yard was about the size of two standard parking spots. I have always dreamed of having a …

Top 5 Cookware Materials

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received an editorial fee for posting this article. Links in those post may contain affiliate links as well.  As you probably know if you read this blog, I spend quite a bit of time in the kitchen. When I’m not spending time with my family, it is absolutely my favorite place …

Basic Invite: For All Your Paper Goods Needs

Stephs Cheers and Jeers did receive an editorial fee for posting this article.  This year has had a lot of exciting announcements for us including the birth of our son. We are also planning an official wedding ceremony for 2022 and I have plans of sending out customized Christmas cards this year as I have …

Homemade Coffee Concentrate with Amora Coffee

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. Homemade Coffee Concentrate with Amora Coffee It’s the time of year when I love cold brew coffee, but now that I am a new mom, I’ve been trying to be a little more budget conscious and decided …

Wine Insiders

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. Both my Mother In Law and I enjoy drinking wine, what we don’t enjoy though is how frustrating it is sometimes to find a good wine that won’t break the bank. That is exactly why Wine Insiders …

Nothin’ to Hide Rawhide Alternative

Stephs Cheers and Jeers received samples mentioned in this post in exchange for being featured on our site. I am always on the hunt for treats and goodies for Loki. His health is a top priority for me and I recently discovered Fieldcrest Farms by Ethical Products Inc. Ethical Products Inc is the partner company …