Category «Reviews»

Flex Links by Empower Fitness Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     Empower Fitness is a retailer of fitness products marketed towards woman. They sell a variety of products aimed for different work outs such as toning/core,walking/cardio, yoga,strength and more. They recently send me their Flex Links …

3 Girls Holistic Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     Recently I have tried to switch my family over to natural everything! I started using natural feminine products, using natural paper towels and disposable dishware. So I was looking to find a company that produced …

Handana Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   Handana  is a high performance sweat band made of soft, durable, wickable Lycra Fabric. It wraps around your hand and allows you to whip sweat away easily and conveniently when you are preforming tasks.  It comes in …

Schwan’s Home Service Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   If you havent seen my other post about Schwan’s  please check it out.  For over 60 years, Schwan’s Home Service has provided superior frozen foods with convenient home delivery. Our foods are flash frozen at the …

100% Pure Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     Many of my readers who have followed me for awhile have seen me talk about my sensitive skin. I’m 22 years old and just started wearing make up because after years and years of trying …

Scaredy Cut Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     Many of my readers know I have a BEAUTIFUL long haired cat named Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear, She is incredably long haired and I actually have to trim her hair often. Once a year I try …

Computer Virus Dolls Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     I come from a very tech savvy family, every single one of us use a computer on pretty much a daily basis for one thing or another. So we have had run in’s with computer …

Green Smoke Electronic Cigarette Review

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.     I don’t smoke but my husband does, for the past year we have been searching for a electronic cigarette that was realistic but not a pain in the behind to use, charge etc. I was …

Datevitation Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   For Valentines Day I was looking for something sweet, I loved the idea of love coupons but didn’t want the typical cheesy ones and I didn’t like the idea of home made ones. I wanted something personalized and cute but something that …

Mother’s Therapy Organics Review and Giveaway

Stephs Cheers and Jeers was provided the samples mentioned in this post in return for an unbiased review.   Being a Domestic Goddess, I am always researching safe products for my family to use, like any mother I want whats best for my family. I came across Mothers Therapy Organics online and I was very …