Seriously….even the WORD gives me anxiety! I hate anxiety, yet its something I struggle with on a DAILY basis!
people aren’t always that kind either to you either, I hear “get over it”, “its all in your head” etc!
People who don’t have anxiety don’t often understand it, On a daily basis, I always feel like I have to be on high alert and rarely do I feel comfortable.
Here is the current explanation of Anxiety
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.
People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat.
Here are some examples of what NOT to say to people with Anxiety.
“Why do you get anxious over such little/stupid things?”
What might be a little thing to you, can be a MAJOR thing for someone with anxiety!
“Are you medicated? Did you take your medication today? Have you thought about getting more”?
I think this is one of the WORST things ever to say with someone who has anxiety, it really pisses me off when people ask me if I’ve taken my meds today or that I need to go to the doctor. I feel like this is so disrespectful because it’s rarely a legit concern, people always tend to say it after an anxiety attack or when they get frustrated with how your acting.
“You should try being more positive”
And I always say you should be more understanding!
“Its all in your head”
Yes, of course, it is like I can switch some magical switch and everything is okay, or perhaps I do it for attention right? GIVE ME A BREAK!
“There’s more of a chance of (insert some wild claim) happening then this”
Oh great, thanks NOW I have anxiety about what you said INCLUDING what I was originally anxious about! You just totally made it 100% worse.
If you want to help someone with anxiety, try and be understanding, it helps amazing when you’re a person that has anxiety and someone reaches out to you and is legitly concerned about your anxiety and wants to help you, Offer to help take their mind off their anxiety, go for a walk with them, go spend some time with them, I know for me to have a friend come over and have lunch with me at my house helps majorly on the days that my anxiety is through the roof.
How well I understand what you are saying from the outside looking in. My nine year old has anxiety disorder in addition to being ASD. I absolutely hate it when people say I should teach her not to worry. No one seems to understand how she cries sometimes at night because her friend was not in school, or there is a school trip and what if the bus is late or she doesn’t eat her breakfast quick enough….. The list is as long as the depth of her emotions.
I am glad you came across my post 🙂 I have struggled with generalised anxiety disorder almost my whole life. If you ever need to talk I am here for you 🙂
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