Protection Salt

Protection Salt has many uses including cleansing your altar, creating boundaries, refreshing your home and more. I use it mostly for cleansing my altar space and refreshing/protecting my home.

Protection Salt

I use this most on my carpets before vacuuming as well as when I sweep. Make a point to sweep TOWARDS the front door, never away from. Don’t worry if you don’t though! Just try to make sure you dispose of the salt through a doorway. I also use this in spellwork and as a way to put out flames when doing work with fire.


Salt-Cleansing, Protection, Banish negative energy
Dried Roses- Promotes love, also for fragrance
Ground Egg Shells: Cleansing and Protection.
2 drops of Tea Tree EO- promotes strength as well as disinfects
2 drops of lavender EO-Helps Stress and Anxiety.

I combine Salt, dried roses and eggshells in a blender….blend for a few minutes. I store it in a mason jar, add a few drops of EO and give it a shake.


Q-What type/brand of salt can I use?

A- I personally purchase big bags of “Livestock Salt” from Runnings which is basically a 50lb bag of bulk salt. It is NOT recommended for human consumption and you can purchase bulk food-grade salt at co-ops or your favorite local bulk store. I have also used standard table salt or kosher salt. It is really a preference. I use livestock salt as I also use it for taxidermy and always have at least 100lbs on hand.

Q-What EO’s can I use?

A-It’s all preference. I personally prefer tea tree and lavender but there is a huge array of EO’s you can use and I suggest doing some research on different EOS and their uses. This book is a wonderful resource and one of my favorites but there are tons of free resources and websites. I suggest looking up something along the lines of “Essential Oils and Witchcraft”.

Q-Do I have to purchase eggshell powder or can I make it?

A-eggshell powder can be purchased but is also super easy to make. If you prefer to make it, that is fine. It is super easy to make, I save all of my eggshells and freeze them. I place them in a colander, rinse, then boil them in a pot of water for 1o minutes to remove any remaining membrane and then bake them on 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Then blend them to your desired consistency then store in an airtight container(I store mine in the freezer just to be safe). This powder is essentially homemade calcium powder and can be used for many uses. If you prefer to purchase you can purchase here.

Q-What Other ingredients can I add?

A- The possibilities are endless, you can add other ingredients like

  • Rosemary for added purification
  • Cinnamon for success, home protection, and scent
  • Shredded Money(NEVER destroy currency!! You can purchase genuine currency that has been taken out of circulation) for wealth.
  • As well as many more.

Amazon has some wonderful herb starter kits but you can also purchase herb in bulk at your local co-op or bulk store. You can also use store-bought herbs and ingredients that you can purchase at your local grocery store.

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