Uses for Empty RX Bottles

*Remember to remove the labels*
I seem to ALWAYS have Empty RX Bottles laying around after my prescriptions run out. I honestly hate throwing them away, I cant find anywhere to recycle them around here so I thought I would start saving them. Over the last year I have used empty RX bottles for many different things. Here are a few different ways my household uses them.

 Storing Small Batteries

Whenever I buy AAA or smaller batteries I tend to always lose them! They end up scattered all over the house and half the time I throw out perfectly good batteries thinking they are bad ones(I really need to invest in a battery tester). I have found that RX Bottles are perfect for storing batteries, They are even great to throw in your purse incase you have an MP3 Player that runs on batteries so they aren’t rolling around in the bottom of your purse! 

Store Tacks

I don’t know how many times i’ve stepped on tacks because the package has exploded(okay maybe I am exaggerating) when I try and open it turning a project, and tacks fly across the room and I end up stepping on them later! This is great because I can screw the lid on and don’t have to worry about tacks spilling on the floor or table. 

Store Loose Buttons

Seems like every time I vacuum or do laundry I find loose buttons, but I know if I throw the buttons away I will find the article of clothing that its missing from! 

Store an Extra Key

Store an extra key in a bottle and bury it outside! Iv been locked out of my house more then once without my keys and had to wait until my hubby got home! That’s never fun!

Here is a list of more ways RX Bottles can come in handy

  • Make a Mini Sewing kit to carry with you incase of fashion accidents, put a needle and some thread and you’re good to go!
  • Fill with shampoo and conditioner to bring to the gym! I usually save free samples I get for this, but the freebies for shampoo and conditioner seem to be scarce these days and I buy the jumbo bottles of shampoo and conditioner, I hate bringing the big bottles with me when I work out and iv had them leak in my bag all over my stuff! 
  • Make a mini first aid kit(this works best with the bigger bottles), Fill with band aids and a sample size of antibacterial.
  •  Sick of your bobby pins at the bottom of your purse? Fill a bottle with bobby pins and hair ties! 
  • Use to store emergency money, I suggest keeping it in a locked glove box! 
  • Are you worried your child are going to get ahold of the replaceable razorheads and get hurt? Put them in a bottle and out of reach!
  • DIY Nail Polish Remover Pads, Fill a bottle with nail polish remover and cotton balls.
  • Use to store a single serving of dressing for on the go
  • Screws and Nails
  • Toothpicks
What do you use old RX Bottles in your house for? 

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